
The countdown to Yule and Christmas is happening right now. Can you feel it? Notice the rushing round that some are cycling through and then step back. You need not join in on that holiday tradition. You are at choice in every moment. It’s time to claim your power as  sensitive soul to truly luxuriate in the sensuality of this time of year..


empath-advent-17Today’s Holiday Tip:

While part of you may want to rush through the holidays, trust me, the slower you go, the more pleasure there can be. S L O W  I T  D O W N.  

You will be able to find the pleasures in small things if you stop with being a speedy guy or gal and use your natural gift of high sensitivities.

Waking up and counting your blessings in the morning. Feeling the soft fabric of whatever you choose to wear. Mitts that match when you go out to enjoy the quiet in nature. Hot cocoa when you get back inside. Feel how wonder-full your surroundings can be. You have worked hard, so enjoy it.

Take the time to really acknowledge all that you have right now. The smaller things heighten the awareness that you are divinely cared for. It is not about big showy stuff for a sensitive soul.

Gratitude somehow offers a grace that this time of year truly needs.  Gratitude. Grace. Peace. Quiet.

Pause regularly and pay attention to the holy in this holiday season.  Less rushing means you won’t miss the magic moments. You are so blessed my friend. Too blessed to be stressed right now.


December 17th’s affirmation:

* Today’s affirmation comes from the Empathways ~ Affirmations for Sensitive Soul series. Get your personal set for your altar or to give as a gift at our gift shop.

We want to help you celebrate your holiday season and deepen into the joy of thriving as a sensitive soul! Each morning a new door will open  to help you savour the day and honour your sensitivities. Imagine opening a daily treat from now until December 25th that has been created just for you!

Do you have other tips about caring for your wellness at the holidays, or a story to share that might help others? Please share in the comment section below. Together we are stronger!

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EagleSpirit, a Contemporary Shaman, has worked for over 20 years to help clients relax their bodies, release limiting beliefs and radiate their most authentic selves.
As the creator of Empath 101 Empowerment program she speaks to groups internationally, facilitates the month-long course that has changed lives and is often featured in the media for her grounded approach to spirituality.
Visit here for more details about Empath 101 and contact us if you would like to sponsor the program in your area. Email to find our about personalized Soul Journeys, the 2018 Sedona Spirit Quest Tours or private sessions. You deserve to feel Soul Good!

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