We want to help you celebrate your holiday season and deepen into the joy of thriving as a sensitive soul! Each morning a new door will open  to help you savour the day and honour your sensitivities. Imagine opening a daily treat from now until December 25th that has been created just for you!


“In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.” ~ Albert Camus


Celebrating Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year and celebrating your own inner light is a wonderful way to honour the ebb and flow of energies that you experience as a sensitive soul.

At times, before you understood that as a sensitive soul you have particular self-care needs to better manage your energy, you may have felt rather in the dark about why you feel everything so deeply. Now that you understand thatempath-advent-21 it is your ability to be compassionate with others that brings a rich texture to your life and a profound ability to walk in another’s shoes, it is time to celebrate your sensitivities!

We are going to ‘en-lighten’ the situation.

You are absolutely perfect the way you are, otherwise you would have been born differently.

There are no mistakes and so you need not hide your sensitivities. They actually can help you navigate your world more easily when you pay attention to them.


Today’s Holiday Tip: As the light slowly falls this evening, I am inviting you to reflect on any judgements are perceived limitations you have held about your life due to your sensitivity. With the Winter Solstice it is a wonderful time to let go of that darkness and welcome a more en-lightened perspective.

When you are ready to let go of the self-judgement about your unique gifts as a deeply feeling person, allow yourself to bring the awarenesses to the light. You may wish to write the judgements down in your journal, or if you enjoy holiday rituals, you can incorporate this into your Winter Solstice celebration. You can symbolically burn the judgement in the fire or using a candle. Or you may wish to sit in silence and send love to yourself, illuminating the darkness you have drawn round you with the judgements you have made.

Taking time to witness your inner darkness and then shine your divine light upon it is a perfect way to celebrate YOU and honour nature’s rhythm too!

Many blessings, EagleSpirit


December 21st’s affirmation:empathways-eeb5 

* Today’s affirmation comes from the Empathways ~ Affirmations for Sensitive Soul series. Get your personal set for your altar or to give as a gift at our gift shop.


Do you have other tips about caring for your wellness at the holidays, or a story to share that might help others? Please share in the comment section below. Together we are stronger!

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EagleSpirit, a Contemporary Shaman, has worked for over 20 years to help clients relax their bodies, release limiting beliefs and radiate their most authentic selves.
As the creator of Empath 101 Empowerment program she speaks to groups internationally, facilitates the month-long course that has changed lives and is often featured in the media for her grounded approach to spirituality.
Visit here for more details about Empath 101 and contact us if you would like to sponsor the program in your area. Email to find our about personalized Soul Journeys, 2017 Sedona Spirit Quest Tours or private sessions. You deserve to feel Soul Good!

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