We want to help you celebrate your holiday season and deepen into the joy of thriving as a sensitive soul! Each morning a new door will open  to help you savour the day and honour your sensitivities. Imagine opening a daily treat from now until December 25th that has been created just for you!



“Intuition goes before you, showing you the way. Emotion follows behind, to let you know when you go astray. Listen to your inner voice. It is the calling of your spiritual GPS system seeking to keep you on track towards your true destiny.” 
― Anthon St. Maarten, Divine Living: The Essential Guide To Your True Destiny

Merry Christmas to all who are celebrating today! There really is much to celebrate no matter which religion you follow. And no matter what youunknown get up to today, I hope that you will take time to celebrate the sensitive soul that you are!

I’ll always remember seeing a cartoon of a Dennis the Menace type character on the refrigerator of a dear friend. It looked something like the one right here. Underneath his image was the message, ‘God don’t make no junk!’

You know what that means right? You are divine by design!!

While there may have been times you have found it challenging to navigate your everyday life feeling as deeply as you do, please know that your sensitivities are a precious gift.

In fact, I created the Empath Empowerment program, Empath 101 to help sensitive souls like myself celebrate our gifts and learn over 20 different tips and tools to feel solid in all four energetic bodies. It has had some pretty amazing results, especially for those who have been drained by their sensitivities. When we know how to practice some important self-care, we can continue to be of service without getting drained. Wonderful right?

The very thing that you may have thought is a disadvantage, is what helps you most with your divine purpose. Always remember that.


Today’s Holidayempath-advent-25 Tip: 

This holiday season is supposed to be about compassion and connection, so make self-care part of your holiday traditions each and every year as a way to disconnect from any energetic overwhelm and quiet your heart and mind.

When you feel ready then you can go out and about in your world to continue to share the kindness and caring that is your natural gift to all.

Wishing you a wonderful rest of the holiday!

Many blessings, EagleSpirit


December 25th’s affirmation: 



* Today’s affirmation comes from the Empathways ~ Affirmations for Sensitive Soul series. Get your personal set for your altar or to give as a gift at our gift shop.


Do you have other tips about caring for your wellness at the holidays, or a story to share that might help others? Please share in the comment section below. Together we are stronger!

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EagleSpirit, a Contemporary Shaman, has worked for over 20 years to help clients relax their bodies, release limiting beliefs and radiate their most authentic selves.
As the creator of Empath 101 Empowerment program she speaks to groups internationally, facilitates the month-long course that has changed lives and is often featured in the media for her grounded approach to spirituality.
Visit here for more details about Empath 101 and contact us if you would like to sponsor the program in your area. Email to find our about personalized Soul Journeys, 2017 Sedona Spirit Quest Tours or private sessions. You deserve to feel Soul Good!

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