This might sound weird to you. During a snow-pocaplypse on the east coast, I went to the beach in Hawaii. Not as in I thought of a happy place and I wished myself there, but as I was led up the attic stairs and was shown how to… get to Hawaii. 

Believe me when I say, sometimes the only transportation you need to peace, is a leap of faith. I experienced it first hand and so can you.

















 He who would travel happily must travel light. ~ Antoine de St. Exupery

You know when I  got back fro1798174_538989496240671_8457094128320417164_nm Hawaii where I had had the most marvellous and life-changing experience .. just standing on the black lava rock and allowing the sea spray and wind and energetic transformation to happen… well coming back to snowbanks that were over my head was a wee bit of a shocker, but I was still feeling pretty blissed. And then the attic adventure took it to a whole new level!

Did I mention there was a portal on the property I returned to? (I seem to activate them wherever I go, hence the reason I get called a Travelling Vortex!) Long story short. I was shown how to reconnect energetically back to that magical moment on the Big Island.

The blizzard-like conditions outside the window swirled the winds round the windows of the attic and made huge crashing noises that sounded much like the aqua and crystal blue waters edged in sea foam rushing against the rocks back and forth, wave after wave. And that soundtrack carried me back as I closed my eyes, held out my hands and stood strong again and connected from my heart to Hawaii. Some moments are so real. What a gift. 

Now this is all hush hush between you and I because Air Canada might be peeved at the loss in flight sales. (Yes, even though Dad has passed, I am still a loyal daughter to where he spent most of his work life as a mechanic ensuring the planes on the East Coast were safe for travel). But let me take you there now for a moment.

Click here to be transported to Hawaii for a mindfulness moment as you take in the relaxing waves from Kauai.

In the upcoming Portals of Possibility series in Moncton, I am going to use a variety of meditation techniques and energetic boosts to help participants expand their awareness and experience of alignment to their soul’s path that also bring a sense of mindfulness and calm. Let me share some reflection questions that could help you right now on your journey. Ready?


Reflection for today:

You are creating your experiences daily with you words and actions and beliefs. Do they take you to your “happy place” or are you replaying old hurts?

Are you busy planning out your journey, worrying about what is ahead for you or are you able to relax into the joy and peace possible in this moment… wherever you are? 

Share your reflections below in the comments section and let’s share some aloha shall we?

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EagleSpirit, a Contemporary Shaman, has worked for over 20 years to help clients relax their bodies, release limiting beliefs and radiate their most authentic selves.
As the creator of Empath 101 Empowerment program she speaks to groups internationally, facilitates the month-long course that has changed lives and is often featured in the media for her grounded approach to spirituality.
Visit here for more details about Empath 101 and contact us if you would like to sponsor the program in your area. Email to find our about personalized Soul Journeys, 2017 Sedona Spirit Quest Tours or private sessions. You deserve to feel Soul Good!

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