beach therapy

“The deep rhythmic sound of the ocean is healing. As we become one with it, we become one with ourselves.”


One of the sexy things about Empaths? We feel everything. DEEPLY. Rather than it being a hardship, we are able to amuse ourselves to no end by simply getting out into nature. The sights. The sounds. The energy. All of it makes for very content Empaths as we are immersed in energies that rarely overwhelm. Instead the many energetic cues wrap us up and take them with them on a marvellous adventure that is both sublime and divine. Empaths need regular doses of nature to cleanse the energetic fields and recharge.

If I am caught in my head, I get out to nature and living just 2 minutes from the ocean now means it is beach therapy for sure.

Reasoning doesn’t always resbeach magicolve an issue because it is the same mind that created the problem trying to solve it. But the magic at the water’s edge suddenly clears space so that I can be grounded and connected and go higher for my answers.

Bundled up with longer pants, 2 tops and a windbreaker prepared for a cool ocean breeze this morning and yet I still needed to be barefoot on the beach. Not only is it a great pedi option (say goodbye to expensive brown sugar scrubs), but it is a wonderful way to ground or earth.

Everything really does wash away as I listen to the waves crash to the shore and slowly drift back to the ocean and feel the cold damp sand underneath my feet.

Some teachings would suggest that getting to the water is representative of getting to our emotions. And Empaths are aware of our feelings (and everyone else’s) and it can be overwhelming. When we are grounded, however, things become more clear and we are back in our power. The key is being discerning. Welcoming our own emotions as energetic cues and then integrating the information we are receiving before they cause issues for us brings us peace. We can deal with what we can see/feel before us. And so we ‘go to the water.’

meditation-finalCan’t get an ocean fix in person right now? Why not bring it to you?

Enjoy a short guided meditation when you click on this ‘Being in the moment’ video I created in Hawaii.

Another option that is easy? Download some relaxing music with waves in the background. Ahhh transports you right to the warm healing waters. (Cabana boy and umbrella drink is optional in your imagining but relaxation is guaranteed!)

Mind is too busy to do a meditation? Then try the Ujjayi breath. All of my yogi and yogini friends will know this one. It is balancing and soothing (and while some have suggested it makes you sound like Darth Vader, darned if it doesn’t sound like the ocean gently washing in and out to me).

The Chopra Center suggests doing the Ujjayi Breath like this:

  • Take an inhalation that is slightly deeper than normal. With your mouth closed, exhale through your nose while constricting your throat muscles. If you are doing this correctly, you should sound like Darth Vader from Star Wars.
  • Another way to get the hang of this practice is to try exhaling the sound “haaaaah”with your mouth open. Now make a similar sound with your mouth closed, feeling the outflow of air through your nasal passages. Once you have mastered this on the outflow, use the same method for the inflow breath, gently constricting your throat as you inhale.


A trip to the beach can do wonders for a sensitive soul! Whether you get there in the physical or on the etheric is up to you.

Until next time. Wishing you many moments of peace and joy!

Many blessings, EagleSpirit


ES promo shot sedonaEagleSpirit, a Contemporary Shaman, has worked for over 20 years to help clients relax their bodies, release limiting beliefs and radiate their most authentic selves.
As the creator of Empath 101 Empowerment program she speaks to groups internationally, facilitates the month-long course that has changed lives and is often featured in the media for her grounded approach to spirituality.
Visit here for more details about Empath 101 and contact us if you would like to sponsor the program in your area. Email to find our about personalized Soul Journeys or private sessions. You deserve to feel Soul Good!

2 comments on “Barefoot and Breathing

  • So, so true! I hadn’t read this before, but I had two beach therapy days… one on Friday, and another on Sunday. It only takes 30 seconds for instant relaxation and Zen to hit. The extra time I stay is just pure self-love time. There is nothing like the waves and the wind and the feel of the sand beneath my feet that brings me back down to earth faster. Thank you for this synchronicity!

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