We want to help you celebrate your holiday season and deepen into the joy of thriving as a sensitive soul! Each morning a new door will open  to help you savour the day and honour your sensitivities. Imagine opening a daily treat from now until December 25th that has been created just for you!



Social anxiety can be reduced significantly this season if you face your fears and find your F.L.O.W. Let me explain what I mean. Some teachings, like A Course In Miracles, say that there are only two things, love and fear. So if you are feeling worried or concerned about the holidays and choose to ignore it, you give your power away to whatever it is that is frightening you. It will not magically disappear if you choose only to ignore it.

empath-advent-23Expecting social anxiety to simply dematerialize at the holidays is setting yourself up for stress. And often the very thing you are worrying about you end up drawing closer to you. So why not set yourself up for success?

Rest assured, my friend, you are not the only one who may have some worries this holiday, but if you change your approach to dealing with the fears, you can find your flow and have a lot more fun!

Each of the 22 blogs already shared in the Deepen Into December Holiday Advent Calendar ( click here to see a summary of the blogs) has helped you strategize how to feel more comfortable and today we are going to add another one.


Today’s Holiday Tip: I love the idea of using F.L.O.W. when I am worrying a situation as it takes stress down a few notches. Every encounter is simply a Freaking Learning Opportunity Wow!, rather than a life and death experience. Neat right?

Think of all of the worst case scenarios you have run in your head, that you may have even prepared for, and remember that most (if not all) have never happened.

You have kept your mind busy worrying and unfortunately this has created stress in your body too. So keep running scenarios if you must, but try the F.L.O.W. idea and notice that whatever situation you are visualizing can always have a learning come out of it.

The beautiful thing about acknowledging any fear or anxiety that may pop up is that you are reclaiming your power by looking at it rather than ignoring it and subconsciously run patterns that isolate you from  a whole lot more love in your life as you acknowledge ALL of your feelings and experiences as a sensitive soul.

Use your imagination to support you this holiday rather than stress you. 


December 23rd’s affirmation: 


* Today’s affirmation comes from the Empathways ~ Affirmations for Sensitive Soul series. Get your personal set for your altar or to give as a gift at our gift shop.


Do you have other tips about caring for your wellness at the holidays, or a story to share that might help others? Please share in the comment section below. Together we are stronger!

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EagleSpirit, a Contemporary Shaman, has worked for over 20 years to help clients relax their bodies, release limiting beliefs and radiate their most authentic selves.
As the creator of Empath 101 Empowerment program she speaks to groups internationally, facilitates the month-long course that has changed lives and is often featured in the media for her grounded approach to spirituality.
Visit here for more details about Empath 101 and contact us if you would like to sponsor the program in your area. Email to find our about personalized Soul Journeys, 2017 Sedona Spirit Quest Tours or private sessions. You deserve to feel Soul Good!

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