Stop ‘should-ing’ on yourself and I guarantee you will go gracefully into 2016!  So many clients come with their shoulders tucked up tight to their ears because they have burdened themselves with a list of to-dos that sound something like, “I should do this,” or “I shouldn’t do that.” They are creating guilt with their thoughts… Read More

Does your mind really control the flow of good in your life? YES! You have the power to create a life you love… or even more profoundly to love the life you have created even before it looks like the way you wish it would. That power to create your life as a beautiful work… Read More

Talk Story Tuesdays is focusing on beauty this week and giving yourself another shot at positive self-talk. Why? Because I have heard your self-talk and it not as helpful as you might think. Being hard on yourself is not going to get you the peace you seek. Here are a few helpful things to notice… Read More